GameJam: Writer's Block
Writer’s Block is a game developed over 24 hours over a series of weekends by a small team of artists, game designers, programmers, and sound designers at Brown/RISD Game Design. You play as a young novelist, and in your quest to find the cure to writer’s block, your lost pen must be recovered, and you traverse a series of environments that demand you use your wordplay prowess to overcome. The visual style was loosely based on Victorian themes.I was responsible for character design and visualizing character movement.Click here to try it out!
The main player design concept. The animated walk cycle was made in Adobe After Effects.
Other character concepts.
In-game screenshots.

Emma Yang was born and raised in Hong Kong, and pursued her interest of Illustration at Rhode Island School of Design, receiving a Bachelor's in Fine Arts. She has a passion for telling stories and building worlds, role playing games, and trying lots of different kinds of teas.